Sunday, June 29, 2008

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Indigenous peoples live in Ohio in the historical period (most obviously after 1700), included Miamis (a large confederation), Wyandots (composed of refugees, especially from the fractured confederation Huron), Delawares (pushed westward from their historic homeland in New Jersey), Shawnees (also pushed west, although they could be withdrawn from the Fort Ancient people of Ohio), Ottawas (more commonly associated with the upper Great Lakes), Mingos (as Wyandot, recently formed the totality of refugees from the Mohawk and other companies) and Eries (gradually absorbed into the new, multi-ethnic "republics", namely Wyandot). In 1754, France and Britain fought the war in the United States known as the French and Indian War. As a result of the Treaty of Paris, France ceded control of Ohio, and the rest of the Old in the northwest of Britain. Pontiac in the rebellion in the 1760s challenged British military control, which ended with the American victory in the American Revolution. In the Treaty of Paris in 1783 Britain ceded all claims to Ohio in the United States. The United States created the Northwest Territory under the north-west Ordinance 1787. Slavery was banned. The settlement began with the creation of Marietta in Ohio Company Associates, which were established in the group of Revolutionary War veterans. After Ohio's Miami, the company (also called "Symmes Purchase") claimed the southwestern section and Connecticut Land Company surveyed and settled Connecticut Western Reserve in the modern North Ohio. Northwest Territories old originally included areas that had previously been known as Ohio, Illinois Country and the country. As Ohio prepared for statehood, Indiana Territory was created, reducing the territory of the North to about the size of modern Ohio, as well as the eastern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and the eastern tip of the Upper Peninsula. As part of the Northwest Ordinance, on any of the States, which is formed from the north-western part of the territory would be admitted as the State once the population exceeded 60000. While Ohio 45000 population was only in December 1801, Congress determined that the population is growing rapidly and Ohio could begin the path to statehood, provided that it will exceed 60000 inhabitants by the time it will become a state. In 1835, Ohio, Michigan, with the ongoing war in Toledo, largely bloodless war from abroad Toledo Strip. Congress intervened and, as a condition for admission to the status of the Union, Michigan was forced to accept the western two-thirds of the Upper Peninsula, in addition to the eastern part of the third, which was already part of the State in exchange for abandonment of its demand Toledo Strip. In Ohio central position and its population, gave it an important place during the civil war, and the Ohio River was vital arteries to supply troops and movements, as in Ohio Railways. At the end of civil war, the three most Union generals were all from Ohio : Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. Ohio, also contributed more soldiers per capita than any other State of the Union. In 1912, the Constitutional Convention was held with Charles B. Galbreath as Secretary. The result reflects the interests of the Progressive Era. He made the initiative and referendum allowed the General Assembly to ask questions on the vote of the people to ratify laws and constitutional changes in the Legislature and. Under the Jeffersonian principle that laws should be reviewed once a generation, the Constitution provides for a repetition of the question to appear on Ohio in the general election ballot papers every 20 years. The question asks whether the new convention is not required. Although the issue appeared in 1932, 1952, 1972, and 1992, he never was approved. Instead of constitutional amendments were proposed petition to the legislature hundreds of times and adopted in most cases. On February 19, 1803, President Jefferson signed the act that Congress approved Ohio borders and the Constitution. Nevertheless, Congress never passed a resolution formally recognizing Ohio, as 17 States. Custom of the current congressional official announcement date of statehood did not begin until 1812 , In Louisiana in the admission as 18 States. Despite the absence of official permission is required when, where control was discovered in 1953, George Ohio congressman H. Bender, introduced a bill in Congress to take in Ohio Union retroactive to March 1, 1803. At special session on the old capital in Chillicothe, Ohio, the legislature approved a new petition for statehood that was delivered to Washington, D.C., riding on a horse. On August 7, 1953 (the year in Ohio 150th anniversary), President Eisenhower signed act, which formally announced on March 1, 1803 date of admission to Ohio Union [11]. Ohio capital of Columbus, located close to the center of the state. The executive branch consists of six staff members: the governor and lieutenant governor, Secretary of State, the Attorney General, Auditor, and Treasurer. Ted Strickland governor took office governor in January 2007. The legislative body of Ohio government, Ohio General Assembly, consists of two chambers - the Senate, which has 33 members, and the House of Representatives, which has 99 members.The The judiciary is headed by a supreme court, which has a Chief Justice and six associate judges. Ohio geographic location proved assets for economic growth and expansion. Because Ohio links to the Northeast Midwest, much cargo and business traffic passes through on its borders its well-developed highway. Ohio has the nation's 10th largest highway network, and in one-day drive of 50% in North America's population and 70% in North America production capacity. [12] to the north, Lake Erie gives Ohio 312 miles (502 km) coastline, [13], which allows for numerous seaports. Ohio in the southern Ohio River defines the border (with time on the 1793 border with low water affected the northern side of the river), and most of the northern border is defined Lake Erie. Ohio Neighbors are in the eastern Pennsylvania, Michigan in the north-west, Ontario, Canada, to the north, Indiana in the western state of Kentucky in the south, and West Virginia in the south-east. Ohio borders were defined borders and metes Enabling Act in 1802 to read : Much of Ohio features glaciated plains, exceptionally flat in the area to the north-west being known as the Great Black Swamp. Glaciated This region in north-western and central government is bordered to the east and south-first, the belt known as glaciated Allegheny Plateau, and then another belt known as unglaciated Allegheny Plateau. Most of Ohio is low relief, but unglaciated Allegheny plateau features rugged hills and forests. Major rivers in a position to include Cuyahoga River, the Great Miami River, Maumee River, Muskingum River, and Scioto River. Rec in the northern state of minds in the North Atlantic across Lake Erie and the St. Lawrence River and rivers in the southern state of minds in the Gulf of Mexico through Ohio, then Mississippi. The worst weather disaster in Ohio history took place along the river Great in Miami in 1913. Known as the Great Dayton flood, the entire Miami River watershed flooded, including the business district of the city of Dayton. As a result, Miami Conservancy District was created in the flood plain as the first major engineering project in Ohio and the United States. [18 ] Grand Lake St. Marys in the west central part of the State was built as supply of water in the canals for the construction of canal era of 1820-1850. For many years, this reservoir, over 20 square miles (52 km ²), is the largest artificial lake in the world. It should be noted that in Ohio canal-building projects were not the economic fiasco that similar efforts in other states. Some cities, such as Dayton, owe their emergence of industrial space on channels, and at the end of 1910 as internal channels substantial part of the cargo carried in bulk condition. The climate is humid Ohio continental climate (climate classification Koppen BITs) in most of the State, except extreme southern counties of Ohio in the region Bluegrass sect, which are located on the northern periphery of humid subtropical climate and Southern Hills region of the United States. Sommer, usually hot and humid throughout the State, and in winter usually ranges from cool to cold. Precipitation in Ohio is moderate year round. Severe weather is not uncommon in the state, although as a rule, fewer tornadoes in Ohio than in the States, Located on the so-called Tornado Alley. " Serious consequences snow lake, is also not uncommon in the south-eastern shore of Lake Erie, which is located in the area designated as the Snowbelt. Although mostly not in subtropical climate, some warmer-climate flora and fauna and did reach in Ohio. For example, the number of trees with a southern mountain ridges, such as blackjack oak, Quercus marilandica, are at their northern Ohio in the north of the Ohio River. In addition, confirming this climatic transition from subtropical to a continental climate, a number of plants, such as Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), Albizia julibrissin (mimosa), Crape Myrtle, and even sometimes Igla Palm Hardy landscape materials are regularly used as streets, yard and garden plantings in the district Bluegrass Ohio, but those same plants will simply not thrive in most of the rest of the state. It is interesting changes may be observed while traveling through Ohio on Interstate 75 from Cincinnati to Toledo; observant traveler of the various state may even catch a glimpse of Cincinnati common wall lizard, one of the few examples of permanent "subtropical" fauna in Ohio. Ohio Seismic Network (OhioSeis), Group seismograph stations in several colleges, universities and other institutions as well as coordinated the department of geology, geodesy and Ohio Department of Natural Resources, [29] maintains an extensive catalogue of Ohio from 1776 earthquake to date, as well as earthquakes Located in other states, whose consequences are felt in Ohio. [30] Ohio is a major producer of machinery, rubber and rubber products, steel, processed foods, tools and other manufactured goods. It is not immediately obvious because Ohio specializes in capital goods (goods used for other products, such as machine tools, automobile parts, industrial chemicals, and plastic moldings). Nevertheless, there are well-known Ohio consumer goods, including some of Procter and Gamble products, Smuckers jams and jellies, and the day-GLO paint. There are also numerous automotive plants in Ohio, which produce cars, primarily the Jeep plant in Toledo, where vehicles have been made since their initial release during the Second World War. Honda, Ford and General Motors also have or have had automotive plants in Ohio, and in the case of the latter, one of its plants in Ohio (Lordstown Assembly, near Youngstown) is right to leave the Ohio Turnpike with his exit. Ohio is the site of the invention of the aircraft, through experiments Wright brothers in Dayton. (Wright State University, located in Dayton named in their honor.) Manufacturing aircraft in the U.S. is currently at the centre elsewhere, but the large experimental and designing the facility, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was located near Dayton and serves in the joint production of U.S. military Coordination aircraft. At the base are Wright-Hill and Huffman Prairie, where many of the early aerodynamic experiments Wright brothers were executed. Ohio today also has many aerospace, defense, and NASA parts and systems, suppliers scattered throughout the state. As part of the Corn Belt, agriculture also plays an important role in the state economy. There is also a small sector of commercial fishing on Lake Erie, and Chief catch yellow perch. In addition, Ohio historical sights, various landscapes and recreational opportunities basis for the thriving tourism industry. More than 2500 lakes and 43000 miles (70000 km) river landscapes are a paradise for boaters, fishermen and swimmers. Of particular historical interest are the Native Americans, archaeological sites, including grave mounds [33] and other facilities. According to Ohio Department of Agriculture Ohio in 2001 as took place in 1 Swiss cheese, 2 eggs in, 3 tomatoes, 5 in milk, 6 in corn, soybean at 6, 8, grapes, 9 in pigs, and 9 in floriculture 11 to apples. Two major amusement parks, Cedar Point, and Kings Island, are also important for the tourism industry. Ohio Amish country is also a major draw for the State's tourism industry. While it is still shaping itself, tourism is becoming the main branch in Cleveland, especially medical tourism. Bureau of Economic Analysis, believes that Ohio's gross state product in 2004 amounted to $ 419 billion [1]. In 2006, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, believes that Ohio's gross state product amounted to $ 461,3 billion ranking it 7th in the nation [2]. If Ohio was in his own people would be ranked 17th, took in GDP for the Netherlands and Belgium above. Per capita income in 2003 amounted to $ 30129, 25 in the nation. Ohio agricultural outputs soybeans, dairy products, bread, tomatoes, pigs, cattle, poultry and eggs. Its industrial output of transportation equipment, fabricated metal products, machinery, food processing, machinery and electricity. According to the list of Fortune 2007 Ohio was 28 Fortune 500 companies (ranking 5th at the national level) and 60 Fortune 1000 companies (also took 5th at the national level). 3 Ohio cities (Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland) have 5 or more Fortune 500 companies (2nd ranking behind Texas among nations. Ohio is recognized for its health care because of several major hospitals who work in the north-eastern region of the State . Cleveland Clinic, is among three leading hospitals in the U.S., has its world headquarters and main campus in Cleveland. Her partner, University Hospitals of Cleveland Health, includes the Rainbow "Children and Children's Hospital, is among the ten largest children's hospitals in the country. Cincinnati Children's Hospital is a leading center of research in the field of childhood diseases in the state. As of 2006, Ohio, has a population of 11478006, [36], which is an increase from in 7321 and up to 124861 increase since 2000. This includes a natural population growth since the last census 263004 people (ie 938169 births minus deaths 675165) and a reduction in net migration -145718. Immigration from outside the United States contributed to the growth of 92101 people, most of Southeast and South Asia, but the net migration within the country led to a decline 237819 people. Ohio has witnessed an increase Laotian American and Thai American population, as well as Asian Indians and Hispanics. German is the largest reported lived in most districts in Ohio, particularly in the north-western, central and extreme south-west . Ohioans who cited American and British ancestry are present throughout the State, and, above all in south-central part of the state. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton and have large African-American community. Cleveland and Toledo have large Hispanic populations, while Cleveland and Columbus areas largest Asian people. Greater Cleveland lives in particular, the large Jewish communities. Other Ohio cities, such as Cincinnati, also have significant Hungarian and Jewish population. mixture of urban and rural areas, as well as the availability of large blue collar industries and significant white-collar commercial areas leads to a balance of conservative and liberal population that (along with the state in the 20 electoral votes, more than in most swing states) State makes a very important significance for the outcome of national elections. Ohio State was in solving 2004 presidential election between George Bush and John Kerry. Bush narrowly won in 20 state electoral votes edge of 2 percentage points and 50.8% of the votes [4]. Public support for Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, but supported Republican George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. Огайо был также решающим фактором в 1948 президентских выборов, когда демократ Гарри Трумэн поражение Республиканской Томас Дьюи (которые выиграли государственные четырьмя годами ранее) и в 1976 президентских выборов, когда демократ Джимми Картер поражение Республиканской Джеральд Форд по тонкому разницы в Огайо и принял к выборам. Огайо в демографии причиной многих рассматривать государство как микрокосм нации в целом. Республиканский кандидат в президенты никогда не победил в Белом доме без победы Огайо, штат Огайо, и пошел к победителем выборов во всех, кроме двух конкурсах с 1892, поддержка только проигравшие Томас Е. Дьюи в 1944 году (в Огайо Джон Bricker он работает мат) и Ричарда М. Никсона в 1960 году. Следовательно, государство является очень важным для обеих кампаний крупных партий. Огайо в 20 избирательных голосов по выборам в колледж в 2004 году. [39] Многие политические аналитики разделяют состояния в пяти различных регионов: центральный район и по одному в каждом углу. Эти регионы, как отличаются друг от друга в большинстве штатов, а по величине (северо-восток) лишь в два раза размер маленький (юго-восток) . Северо-восток, в том числе Кливленд, Youngstown, Lorain / Elyria, и других промышленных районах, прочно голосов демократов во многом благодаря своему традиционно сильные профсоюзы. Северо-запад в основном сельскохозяйственные угодья с нескольких небольших производственных таких городах, как Толедо и Лиме , и слегка склоняется Республиканская. Юго-запад является наиболее крупной республиканской части государства, особенно в пригородах между Дейтоне и Цинциннати. Борец за свободу кандидатов также запустить на удивление решительно в этой области. Аппалачских регионов в Юго-Восточной имеют резервных блока, тенденция в пользу кандидатов, которые имеют значительный экономический повесток дня. Центральная часть государства, состоящей из Колумба и его пригородов, является типичной для многих новых крупных городах: в бедных городских основных демократических окружении богатых пригородных Республиканская кольцо.   Ohioans доминирует национальная политика по семьдесят лет, потому что штат Огайо была значительной степени микрокосм нации. Hurt пишет о том, что элементы этого были микрокосм "разнообразие народа, численность промышленного и сельского хозяйства, а также равновесия между сельским и городским населением". Он продолжает: "Лица, которые играют важную роль во внутренних делах , обратился к широким национальным округам потому, что они узнали свои навыки в Огайо, где политический успех кандидатов требуется примирить широкие различия между избирателями. Ohioans были северян и южан, а также Востока и Запада. Следовательно, штат Огайо политиков в адрес избирателей, которые были те же, как и всей нации ". Наконец, прагматичный и центристский характер Огайо политике, Hurt утверждает, сделала это "ориентированной на работу, а не вопрос ориентированных". "[41]   Огайо в систему государственного образования, изложенные в статье VI о государственной конституции, а в разделе XXXIII из Огайо доработки кодекса. По существу, штат Огайо система похожа на тех, встречаются и в других штатах. На государственном уровне, Огайо, Департамент образования, которой руководит штата Огайо советом по вопросам образования, регулирует начальных и средних учебных заведений. На муниципальном уровне, насчитывается около 700 школьных округах штата. Огайо совет регентов координирует и оказывает помощь в Огайо в высшие учебные заведения, которые недавно были реорганизованы в университетской системы штата Огайо под руководством губернатора Стриклэнда. Система средние годовые зачисления свыше 400000 студентов, что делает его одним из пяти крупнейших государственный университет систем в США   Огайо также предлагает OhioLINK программы, позволяющие Огайо библиотек (особенно те из колледжей и университетов) доступа к материалам и в других библиотеках. Программа является весьма успешным, дав исследователям доступ к книгам и другие средства массовой информации, которые не могут иначе быть доступны.   Огайо, в настоящее время единственным государством, которое имеют группы в каждом из крупных лигах, не один город или муниципальном районе, которые могут претендовать на "Гранд-Slam", хотя Кливленд кратко провел этот статус с 1976 по 1978 год. Крупная профессиональных спортивных команд в Огайо, включают:   Огайо, также известен за то, полные энтузиазма любители колледжей и средней школы в футбол. Огайо государство 5 winningest программу в истории NCAA, и 7 национальных Чемпионатах и 7 Heisman Трофи победителей. Акрон, Цинциннати, Боулинг-Грин, графство Кент государства, Университет Майами, штат Огайо и Толедо все также конкурировать в отдел ИА Футбол Чаша отсеки, высокий уровень колледжа по футболу. Толедо занимает одно из народа длинный Отдел Я футбол streaks победы, победы 35 последовательных играх с 1969 по 1971 год в соответствии с quarterback Чак Ealey. Youngstown государство является вечной власти в Отделении I-AA футболу Подразделение завоевав 4 I-AA Championships под Джима Tressel (в настоящее время ОГУ Главный тренер). Гора союза Колледж династии Отдел III колледж футбол с 11 национальных Чемпионатах и запись 62 серия игры выигрыш в одной точке.   Цинциннати в Великой католической лиги, состоящий из мальчика католических средних школ из Большого Цинциннати и Дейтоне районах, является одним из наиболее конкурентоспособных лиги в государственных и страны. Не включая его все- девочки коллегой, GGCL, GCL заложил претендовать на более чем 110 государственных званий и свыше 315 отдельных государственных званий, а также многочисленные национальные чемпионаты. В частности, GCL Южной Отдел добился большой успех. Состоит из четырех, больших-мужчин всех школах старца, LaSalle, Меллер и Санкт-Ксавье, четыре из последних шести Отдел Я государство Футбол Чемпионат пришли от этого разделения.   Огайо High School Федеральной лиги (в том числе Маккинли Bulldogs, Перри пантеры, Джексон полярные медведи, Северная Гуанчжоу Гувера викингов, озеро Blue Streaks, GlenOak Eagles , Austintown Fitch Falcons, и Бордман спартанцев) является одним из наиболее конкурентоспособных средней школы в спортивных лигах Огайо.   Многие крупные восток-запад транспортные коридоры проходят через Огайо. Один из этих первоначальных маршрутов, известный в начале 1900 как "Основным рынком Маршрут 3", был выбран в 1913 году стать частью исторического Линкольн шоссе который был первым дороги по всей Америке, соединяющие Нью-Йорка до Сан-Франциско. В Огайо, Линкольн с автострадой связан многих городах и поселках вместе, в том числе Гуанчжоу, Мэнсфилд, Лима, и Ван Верт. Прибытие Линкольна шоссе в Огайо был серьезно влиять на развитие государства. После появления федерального шоссе номер системы в 1926 году, Линкольн шоссе через Огайо, США стали шоссе 30.   Авиабилеты Кливленд Хопкинс включает в себя международный аэропорт, который является основным узлом для Континентал эйрлайнз ", а также Цинциннати / Северного Кентукки международный аэропорт (расположенной в штате Кентукки), которая является основным узлом для" Дельта эйрлайнз. Другие крупные аэропорты расположены в Дейтоне, Толидо, Колумбус, и Акрон-Гуанчжоу.   ^ "GCT-T1 Огайо уезда демографических оценок - 2005", Бюро переписей Соединенных Штатов, полученные 3 января 2006 года. Правда суммирования Огайо Аппалачских гор уездах населения (1476384), полученные путем добавления 29 отдельных групп населения уезда вместе (1 июля 2005 года данные). Процент полученных путем деления этого числа в этой таблице оценки Огайо населения с 1 июля 2005 (11464042)

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